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Author: Advanced50

Why Do Oil Prices Rise and Fall?

Anyone who uses home heating oil to heat their home has probably noticed that oil prices fluctuate significantly throughout the year. This may cause the average consumer to wonder, “Why are oil prices lower during certain times of the year than others?” The truth is, there are many reasons why home heating oil prices in CT rise and fall; some fluctuations are caused by local sources, while others occur due to global conditions.

Below, we’re discussing exactly what makes oil prices rise and fall throughout the year. Read on to learn more!

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When & Why Should You Replace Your Furnace?

The home furnace is an essential piece of heating equipment to keep you safe and comfortable during those cold Connecticut winters. However, no matter how well they’re built, oil furnaces cannot last forever. The wear and tear of regular use results in damages that worsen over the years, and home HVAC repair can be very costly. Plus, older models of home heating equipment tend to be less energy efficient and effective than the newer furnaces available today.

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First-Time Homebuyer’s Guide to Home Heating Oil

Shopping for your first house is an exciting experience. Part of the process is to consider many new things, such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, kitchen appliances to choose from, and where to make your home office space. The house needs to be just right so that you and your family can live and grow in a comfortable, happy environment.

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