How to Save on Your Home Heating Bill in CT
When summer comes to a close, homeowners must begin to prepare for the onset of colder weather in the fall and winter. Ensuring your home is ready for snow, ice, and chilly temperatures is essential to guarantee that your family remains safe and comfortable all season long. Unfortunately, energy costs often begin to rise as winter approaches; however, there are several things savvy homeowners can do to achieve maximum efficiency and save crucial dollars on home heating bills.
Four Tips to Reduce Your Oil Costs
Luckily, with the following tips, you can combat the rising cost of home energy needs:
- Clean Vents, Filters, and Radiators – In addition to causing allergies, dust buildup can prevent proper heat radiation, which may increase your energy costs. To avoid this, clean your vents, filters, and radiators frequently and make sure they are not blocked by rugs or furniture.
- Check Doors and Windows – Heat often escapes from windows and doors. So, be sure that your windows are insulated properly, keep blinds and curtains closed, and consider covering windows with blankets in especially cold weather. Keeping inside doors closed when you are not using a room also helps to save on heat.
- Turn on Ceiling Fans – Using ceiling fans to pull the air in your home upward helps circulate the air properly and makes the room feel warmer.
- Close the Chimney Flue – When you are not using your fireplace, make sure the flue is closed. Keeping it open is the same as leaving a window open in your home.
Work with a Home Heating Oil Supplier
Another great way to save on energy costs this winter is to choose Advanced Heating Oil for affordable home heating oil delivery. We offer high-quality service, as well as the best CT oil prices on the market. Plus, we provide a variety of heating oil delivery options, including automatic delivery, emergency service, and cash on delivery (COD) heating oil.
COD is a popular option for home heating oil in CT, as it allows you to purchase fuel and secure the best local CT home heating oil prices at the time you order. Additionally, because COD is a no-contract service, you won’t be locked into a singular rate, which can help you save money.
Busy homeowners also love our automatic heating oil delivery service due to its convenience and flexibility. Our team will work with you to establish a regular delivery time each month, so you never have to worry about running out of oil when you least expect it.
If you don’t heat your home with oil, we also offer a wide range of propane products and services to meet all of your home heating needs.
Prepare for Fall and Winter with Help from Advanced Heating Oil
New England weather can be unpredictable, and you never know how early in the season temperatures may take a dip. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to have your oil tank filled in preparation for the cold weather. And by keeping the above tips in mind, you can manage your budget and get the most value out of your home heating system all winter long.
As a leading home heating oil company in CT, Advanced Heating Oil is committed to providing unparalleled heating services at unbeatable prices. Reach out to us today at (860) 859-9080 to speak with one of our knowledgeable technicians and see how we can help you lower your home heating costs this winter.