When & Why Should You Replace Your Furnace?
The home furnace is an essential piece of heating equipment to keep you safe and comfortable during those cold Connecticut winters. However, no matter how well they’re built, oil furnaces cannot last forever. The wear and tear of regular use results in damages that worsen over the years, and home HVAC repair can be very costly. Plus, older models of home heating equipment tend to be less energy efficient and effective than the newer furnaces available today.
At a certain point, it makes more sense to replace your furnace with a new one than continuing to sink money into useless repairs. Fortunately, the process of acquiring a furnace replacement for the home is very simple, and you can even arrange for home heating oil delivery, too.
But how can you tell when the time has finally come to replace a furnace? Let’s take a closer look:
Signs It Might Be Time for a Furnace Replacement
To determine whether you’re simply in need of home heating maintenance or would be better served by a complete furnace system replacement, here are a few things you should keep in mind:
1. It’s Out of Date
Most furnaces have an average lifespan of between 15 and 30 years. Scheduling regular HVAC maintenance with your local home heating oil company is a great way to get the most out of your furnace and extend its life span. Service technicians can easily assess if any areas need attention or you would benefit from the addition of certain features, such as HVAC insulation. However, the closer you get to that 30-year mark, the more difficult it will be to maintain.
2. It’s Making Unusual Sounds
As furnaces get older, they often start to produce unusual sounds. These can be the result of loose or damaged parts, as well as fluctuations in temperature. If you begin to notice strange screeching, clicking, or popping noises, it’s usually a good idea to call for HVAC services. If the issue is constant, then it might be time for a replacement.
3. It’s No Longer Functioning As Intended
Finally, the clearest indicator that it is time for an HVAC system replacement is when it is no longer functioning as intended, meaning that it is no longer able to keep your home warm. Evidence of issues with performance includes noticeable fluctuations in temperature from room to room, coupled with unusually high bills.
How Buying a New Furnace Can Improve Energy Efficiency
Discovering that your furnace requires replacement can be stressful considering the costs of purchasing a new system. However, one of the benefits of going through this process is that you can save money. For starters, newer models are designed to be much more efficient than ones sold in the past. This means that running your new furnace will cost significantly less than your previous one each month. A new furnace could actually save you up to 50{be8b8c25938281235c3d03789fce42ae2df280a7a821d0f95136c4194b475fa6} on your utility bills, and it doesn’t take long for those savings to really start adding up.
In addition, newer furnaces are built with longevity in mind and tend to have much longer life spans. Most of the older furnaces still in circulation start to break down after 15 years, while newer versions can continue running in peak condition for 20 to 25 years! This means that it will take far longer for you to have to go through the process of replacement again, and you’ll enjoy superior HVAC services until then.
Finally, investing in a newer model isn’t just good for you and your home; it’s good for the planet as well. Because of the improved efficiency, more recent models emit fewer greenhouse gases and are overall much better for the environment.
Why Keeping an Old Furnace Is a Safety Hazard
There are numerous benefits you can experience when replacing your oil furnace. That being said, it’s just as important to be mindful of the dangers involved in keeping an old furnace in your home long past its expiration date. The biggest reason why old furnaces can be significant safety hazards is that they tend to develop leaks, which allow carbon monoxide to fill your home. Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, making it very difficult to detect. When you start to breathe in carbon monoxide, it builds up in your bloodstream, causing many side effects such as weakness, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, and unconsciousness.
There are a few signs you can look out for that might indicate you are at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. For instance, when there is a leak present, the flame of your oil furnace will appear yellow instead of blue. You might also notice excessive rust on the flue pipes, water coming out of the base of the pipes, and unusual amounts of moisture on cold surfaces. If you have any reason to suspect there might be a carbon monoxide leak in your home, you must air out your home the best you can and call a service technician for immediate assistance.
Prolong the Life of Your New Furnace With Advanced Heating Oil
Once you’ve decided to replace your furnace with a newer model, it’s critical to take proper care of it to ensure it will continue to last for years to come. In addition to scheduling regular maintenance, this includes using high-quality heating oil designed to help you get the most out of your home heating system.
At Advanced Heating Oil, we offer automatic and on-demand home heating oil delivery with the best oil price in Connecticut, so you will never have to deal with inconvenient oil shortages. To arrange for your delivery, contact Advanced Heating Oil today!